Line ends are new beginnings in logistics processes. And it is here where the feared bottlenecks occur. And although the whole process is important, it needs automation (and artificial intelligence) to maintain an adequate rhythm of work.
Applying flexible, robotic and autonomous tools, with a minimum intervention of labor, in activities of packaging, classification and distribution or review and quality control, among others, will help us avoid the dreaded “end”.
Optimizing the processes that consist of the preparation of the products once the product is finished with theft, for example, could be a good solution and these being great allies for efficiency and speed when operating without almost committing mistakes.
That said, we can get an idea of how line endings work and what problems they can cause us. We have also seen that automation reduces costs, labor loads and improves productivity.
We automate, what should we not forget?
The production process must be analyzed in order to understand and analyze it, it is to know what is manufactured and why in that way. In other words, being aware of what we manufacture to assume that not all solutions, no matter how much we like them and seem to us to be the most innovative, have to be valid.
Have a vision of the future and adjust our lenses to be able to add dimension to the project according to capabilities. And here, we point out again, we avoid bottlenecks. We have to think about the whole and the individual to see how it affects the whole because the volumes have to be adjusted to each stage so that we don’t fall into previous errors.
And for operations that do not add value, automation, of course. The implementation of an automated system allows for increased efficiency and speed, as well as improving the ergonomics and safety of operations.
For example, robotics stands out here for the great advantages they offer. The robots adapt to multiple processes and product formats, standing out for their simplicity and ease of implementation.
The number and configuration of the robots respond to the workflows according to the needs of the user. They can move or be static with various configurations to suit line layouts. Robotization is very adaptable and can be deployed quite quickly.
What if we also tell you that artificial vision in packing solutions is key?
Imagine systems that make decisions on their own based on the environment. This is already possible to artificial vision. And it is that it is becoming more and more perfected and it is possible to create sensitive, safe and efficient systems.
For those who still do not know, artificial vision or Computer Vision, is the technology that “combines cameras, edge or cloud computing, software and artificial intelligence (AI) to allow systems to ‘see’ and identify objects” according to Intel.
Everything around us generates data or what is the same, digital content. Thanks to artificial vision we can take advantage of this content so that systems can understand the environment through the digital images generated.
The solutions are wide and varied. From robotic arms that stop when faced with a jam, automatic palletizing and pallet transport systems, order preparation or the classified organization of products based on images, they are possible thanks to this technology.
A “nos stop” system with consistent results under minimal supervision. Being the key to artificial vision analysis, machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) cannot be missing here. And as we see once again, artificial intelligence (AI) is with us.
We are seeing how in every process, in every sector, from electric vehicles to sports mobile applications, artificial intelligence is a key and fundamental support point. In recent years we have seen a unique milestone, never experienced before, the development of multiple technologies that have been incubated at the same time and have matured until they integrate with each other.
A world that has evolved faster than expected and with a momentum that generates a very interesting debate about the future, is ours now.
“Yes, it’s crazy! Everyone has to lose their reason, everyone, and the sooner the better”. Us. Yevgeny Zamyatin
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